One ounce of prevention can really translate into a pound of cure, but it’s also never too late to jump on the dental bandwagon and start cleaning up your act. We don’t judge we just help.


Daily flossing is the best way to clean between teeth and under the gum line. Flossing not only helps clean these spaces, it disrupts plaque colonies from building up, reducing calculus or tartar build up and helping to prevent damage to the gums and bone.


Laser Assisted Periodontal Treatment treats periodontal diseases using a new, state-of-the-art laser technique. We do not use scalpels and there are no sutures used with laser gum treatment; instead this groundbreaking procedure utilizes the Denmat Sol Diode Laser, so any fears you may have of gum disease treatment are quite simply, unfounded when it comes to laser gum treatment. LAPT is the safest, cleanest and most pain-free treatment for gum disease available.

Dr. Ed first smooths the root with instruments to remove any rough spots that might attract bacteria and cause future infections. When the infected tissue is removed and the root is exposed, the root scaling begins. This involves scraping off the calculus and plaque built up below the gum line and around the root. After this he uses the Denmat Sol Diode Laser to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue from around the root of the tooth. The area between the gum and the root can then regenerate during the healing process. Depending on the severity of the disease, these treatments may take between 4-6 weeks.

What are the benefits of LAPT?

  • LAPT can be completed at AEIR Dental, rather than you having to see a specialist. This means the treatment will be more convenient and affordable for you.
  • LAPT does not require general anesthetic, as is sometimes required for other forms of dental surgery
  • Lasers can target the diseased areas precisely and accurately
  • Bleeding, pain and swelling are limited because periodontal laser therapy is less invasive than regular surgery.
  • Recovery and healing times are shorter.

What is the cost of LAPT and does my insurance cover this treatment?

The cost of laser gum disease therapy depends entirely on the extent of your needs, and we typically won’t be able to determine a price until Dr. Ed has had the chance to examine you. It will be less expensive than traditional surgery, and because it requires fewer visits to the dentist and less medication it will be more affordable for you.

In terms of insurance, dental insurance companies typically reimburse you for the treatment you get – regardless of the type of device used to perform it. So whether Dr. Ed uses traditional methods (scalers) or lasers for treating you, the compensation is likely to be the same for the procedure. We will send a predetermination for your laser treatment to your insurance company in advance of you receiving the laser therapy, so you know what’s covered in your policy.


Laser Bacterial Reduction therapy is a noninvasive method of killing bacteria in the mouth. This procedure is done during a routine cleaning visit. LBR is accomplished using a non-cutting dental laser. The high intensity light is focused around the teeth, especially at the gum line, and is used to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. This treatment is highly effective for ridding difficult to treat bacteria from the mouth.

What are the benefits of LBR?
Almost all patients, even those that are not suffering from periodontal disease can benefit from LBR. This treatment is highly effective at eliminating bacteria in the mouth. Even healthy mouths will experience some bleeding and irritation from a normal cleaning, so using LBR as a routine part of AEIR Dental’s regular, adult hygiene visit can protect the mouth from potential infections. Removing plaque from the teeth is a great place to start caring for periodontal disease, but combine that with intense, focused bacteria reduction, and the effectiveness of treatments for periodontal disease increases, and has a better chance of lasting longer. Over the long-term, the use of LBR in dental cleanings and as a supplement to other treatments for periodontal disease, can improve the overall health of teeth and gums and give the immune system a boost.

What do you charge for LBR?
At AEIR Dental we feel LBR is a highly effective method of increasing our patients’ oral health and because of this we do not charge additional for this treatment.


At AEIR Dental we customcreate nightguards for our patients with the help of a dental lab that specializes in the creation of nightguards. We believe this method produces the best end product for our patients.


As a rule of thumb regular cleanings are recommended every 6 months to remove plaque from hard to reach areas and avoid heavier general dental treatments. If you have neglected your oral hygiene or have not been to the dentist in a long time, large amounts of build up or calculus can form on your teeth. This can lead to a condition called periodontal disease. With periodontal disease, calculus can cause a loss of bone around your teeth and this may result in loosening of teeth and can cause you to have a greater risk for cavities or tooth infections. A deep dental cleaning may be needed to remove all the buildup/calculus and maintain a healthy mouth as a part of preventative dentistry needs.

Preventing gum disease starts at home with good dental hygiene habits and a well-balanced diet. At AEIR Dental we support your efforts with treatments such as dental exams, cleanings and x-rays. During your cleanings we use lasers as an adjunct to your regular hygiene visit.  This treatment is known as “Laser Bacterial Reduction” or “LBR”. LBR is a non-invasive method of killing bacteria along the gumline. This procedure is performed during our routine, adult hygiene visits.

At AEIR Dental we use lasers and a process known as “Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy” (LBR), along your gumline. LBR is a noninvasive method of killing bacteria in the mouth. This procedure is done during our routine cleaning visit with our adult patients.

For more information, on LINK.


Clenching and grinding are the most common symptoms of an imbalanced bite pattern. The following signs and symptoms can also be an indicator of this problem: headaches, jaw joint pain, clicking joints, ringing ears and tingling finger tips.

Since there is a relationship between the teeth (your bite position), the jaw joints, the head and neck muscles and your head posture, an alignment problem can cause a domino affect; bringing pain and discomfort in other areas of the body.

The signs and symptoms of patients who clench or grind are often the early indicators of a deeper underlying muscular imbalance. It is now possible with non-invasive electronic instruments to relax the muscles of the head and neck to reposition your bite that allows for the jaw muscles to be in a more relaxed state, thus reducing the symptoms.

If it is decided porcelain veneers are your best option Dr. Ed may give you a local anesthetic (freezing). He will then remove a thin layer of the enamel from your tooth to make room for the veneer. An impression of your tooth is made and it is used to custom-make your porcelain veneer. In the meantime, a temporary veneer may be placed on your tooth to replace the portion of the tooth that was removed. This is worn until your porcelain veneer is ready. Temporary veneers are very fragile and need to be treated gently during eating and cleaning as they come loose very easily. On your next visit, the temporary veneer is removed and a mild chemical is placed on your tooth to make it a little rough. This helps porcelain veneers stick to your teeth better. The porcelain veneer is then bonded to your tooth using composite resin cement. Ask Dr. Ed if this is an option for you.


Dental literature supports the use and protective value of mouthguards in reducing sports-related injuries to the teeth and soft tissues. Dr. Ed would encourage anyone playing contact sports wear a sportsguard as the risks of oral injury in sports is highly reduced when wearing a properly fitted sportsguard. Please be aware that some social and school leagues injury insurance will not cover you or your child’s dental treatment costs if the player is not wearing a sportsguard during the time of injury.