Think about the wellness and care of your mouth and teeth. That is an all-encompassing view and we take care of that. With our ‘Best Care’ practice we help fix a problem or stop one from happening.


We are always welcoming new patients. AEIR Dental opened its unique space in February 2016. Contained within our spa-inspired atmosphere we endeavor to make you feel comfortable and at home, while using the latest in technology.

Although our practice and technology are new, Dr. Edmund “Ed” Williamson, D.M.D, brings his tried and tested experience to each and every appointment.

Dr. Ed graduated from the University of Manitoba with his Doctorate in Medical Dentistry in 1993. He continues to educate himself in the latest techniques and has taken the time to study Implantology and Invisalign, just to name two areas.

Dr. Ed and everyone at AEIR Dental take the time to hear and answer your questions.
We want you to make an informed decision about what’s best for you.

We accept most dental insurance policy plans and are able to direct bill in most instances.

Our office is open Tuesday to Friday from 7am to 4pm, Saturdays 8am to

We can also accommodate those patients in wheelchairs.

To request and appointment, call or email


Your initial adult patient exam visit is comprehensive and will take approximately an hour to complete.

Your initial dental visit includes the following:

  • Taking your full dental and health history
  • Taking and examination of your dental x-rays, including a 3D scan of your head
  • An oral cancer screening
  • A gum disease evaluation
  • An examination for tooth decay
  • An examination of your existing restorations
  • An examination of your muscles and jaw joint


Have you recently experienced a dental emergency? Dental emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, or anywhere and most likely when you least expect them. These unexpected emergency dental care needs require swift action and a trusty emergency dentist with experience.

At AEIR Dental we realize the inconvenience and pain these emergency dental situations can cause and we are here to help treat what ails you. We minimize any pain or discomfort to treat all of the following common emergency dental cases:

  • A permanent tooth knocked out
  • Broken, chipped or cracked tooth/teeth
  • Severe toothache(s)
  • A lost filling or crown
  • Or other unexpected tooth ailments that are causing severe pain

We’ll work with you to get your dental emergency fixed within 24 hours. Once treated, we’ll continue to provide general dental guidance, cosmetic and/or restorative dental treatments to help restore your smile to its full potential.


We often get questions about dental x-rays. At AEIR Dental we currently use the Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid Digital radiograph machine. This is a fully digital machine giving us the ability to adjust for the very smallest of patients to the very tallest. It is also the lowest radiation emitting machine on the market today. This means the amount of radiation exposure received from a full series of startup x-rays at Aeir Dental is equal to the amount received in a single day’s exposure to the sun. With our Planmeca Promax 3D Mid we are able to take three dimensional images that allow us to diagnose ear, sinus, and respiratory tract issues.

Sometimes patients ask, “Why are x-rays necessary?
X-rays serve various purposes. Here are a few reasons we take them:

Helps Us Look for Decay Between Teeth
Decay is sometimes undetectable to the naked eye.

Helps Us Check for Bone Loss
Dental x-rays help us see the symptoms of periodontitis (gum disease). As gum disease becomes more severe and as inflammation spreads, some discomfort may occur. As more supporting bone is lost, teeth loosen, and the gums recede further. Dental x-rays show progressive bone loss around teeth and allow us to help with this complex condition.

Helps Us Check for Decay Under Fillings
A dental x-ray is the only way to see decay under existing fillings.

Helps Us See Infection at the Tip of the Tooth Roots
If you have an infection near the bone, an x-ray will confirm this.

Helps Us Examine the Dental Area Before Procedures
An x-ray gives the dentist a full view of teeth and bone before starting a dental procedure.

Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid complies with a multitude of diagnostic requirements: those of implantology, endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, dental and maxillofacial surgery, and TMJ analysis. It is also an excellent tool for diagnosing ear, maxillary sinus, and respiratory tract diseases.


Tooth decay is created by bacteria in your mouth. When the bacteria encounters a food source such as sugar, an acid is produced which begins to breakdown the tooth. This results in what is known as tooth decay or a “cavity”. Not all “cavities” will cause pain, but it is important to have the decay removed and filled with a composite on white filling to prevent it from spreading to the tooth’s nerve or pulp. At AEIR Dental we only fill teeth with “white”, composite fillings as we feel it is the best technology on the market at this time.


When the nerve of your tooth becomes infected, a successful root canal treatment lets you keep the tooth rather than having to pull it out. Keeping your tooth helps prevent your other teeth from drifting out of line and causing jaw problems. Saving a natural tooth avoids having to undergo further dental procedures.

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is the process of removing infected, injured or dead pulp from your tooth. The space inside the hard layers of each tooth is called the root canal system. This system is filled with soft dental pulp made up of nerves and blood vessels that help your tooth grow and develop.

When bacteria (germs) enter your tooth through deep cavities, cracks or flawed fillings, your tooth can become abscessed. An abscessed tooth is a tooth with an infection in the pulp. If pulp becomes infected, it needs to be removed. An abscessed tooth may cause pain and/or swelling. Dr. Ed may notice the infection from a dental x-ray or from other changes with the tooth. If left untreated, an abscessed tooth can cause serious oral health problems.

Root canal treatment follows these steps:

  • You will receive a local anesthetic (freezing)
  • To protect your tooth from bacteria in your saliva during the treatment, we place a rubber dam around the tooth being treated
  • An opening is made in the tooth to reach the root canal system and the damaged pulp
  • Using very fine dental instruments, the pulp is removed by cleaning and enlarging the root canal system
  • After the canal has been cleaned, it is disinfected, filled, and sealed
  • The opening of the tooth is then sealed with a core filling

Dr. Ed preforms root canals with speed, efficiency and precision. We will do everything we can to minimize your time in the chair at AEIR Dental and to keep you as comfortable as possible.

With the 3D scan technology, we can ensure we fully understand the detailed anatomy of your unique root canal system before we even start the treatment.


When your tooth sustains an injury, decay or fracture beyond what a filling can repair a porcelain crown will be recommended. A porcelain crown covers your entire tooth while protecting the integrity of the remaining tooth structure. A porcelain crown will function just like your natural tooth.

A crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface, restoring it to its original size and shape. A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure that cannot be adequately restored with fillings or other types of restorations.

At AEIR Dental our crowns are constructed by a specially trained dental lab technician that can custom stain a porcelain crown to match with your teeth. We also offer other materials for crowns including gold and zirconia.

When you lose a tooth or teeth, it has an impact on your remaining teeth which tend to “drift” out of position. This leads to crooked teeth, a change in your bite, possible gum disease, tooth decay and the potential to lose more teeth.

This procedure takes 2 appointments and teeth are also prepared or shaped at the 1st appointment. A crown(s) will approximately take one week to complete and in the meantime we will build you a temporary crown to maintain your smile.


A bridge consists of two crowns that go over two anchoring teeth ‘abutments’ and which are attached to artificial teeth ‘pontics’ filling the gap created by one or more missing teeth – preventing the “drifting” of the remaining teeth. A bridge does exactly what its name means, it “bridges” the space left by a missing tooth or teeth.  A bridge is permanently cemented in your mouth so there is no need for removal at night.

At AEIR Dental our bridges are constructed by a specially trained dental lab technician who can custom stain the bridge to match with your teeth.

This procedure takes 2 appointments and teeth are prepped or shaved down during the 1st appointment and the final bridge is fitted during the second appointment. A bridge will approximately take one week to complete and in the meantime we will build you a temporary bridge to maintain your smile.


Dentures are the simplest, fastest most economical way of replacing missing teeth. With today’s modern techniques and materials, in most cases, there isn’t even the need for the traditional metal clasp denture. Valplast dentures can now be made with tooth or gum coloured clasps. Dentures can also be attached to implants to give a more secure hold. You may have heard about implants and how they are fast becoming an alternative and/or adjunct to the traditional set of dentures. Dr. Ed and his team would be happy to provide you with more information on the alternatives available to you.


The clinical manifestations of sleep apnea are related to obstruction of the upper airway, fragmented sleep, and the respiratory and cardiovascular consequences of disoriented breathing. Excessive daytime tiredness is a key feature of sleep apnea resulting from disrupted sleep. You may find that you frequently fall asleep during the day while driving, working, reading and watching television. Performing activities related to transportation or the use of machinery and heavy equipment can put both the patient and others at significant risk of injury. Chronic daytime sleepiness also leads to poor work performance and decreased productivity. Snoring, ranging in severity from mild to extremely loud, is also a common trait of those suffering with sleep apnea. The partners of people with sleep apnea may witness gasping, choking or periods of apnea, with repeated arousals through the night. In many cases these symptoms are significant enough that the partner sleeps in another room. When questioned in the morning the patient is usually unaware of the frequency of arousals. Other complaints include a feeling of not being rested despite a full night of sleep, dry mouth, morning headaches, absence of dreams, fatigue, decreased libido and symptoms of depression.

The cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea may include systemic hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and cerebral vascular accidents, all of which lead to a higher mortality rate than in the general population. Clearly, sleep apnea can be a debilitating and potentially life-threatening condition. Thus, both proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important.

If you are experiencing similar symptoms, please ask Dr. Ed about alternatives that might help you sleep better and improve your general overall health.